

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Recommendation and functioning

1. If there is recruitment of good manager who has academic qualification in related field from certified university or college along with experiences he /she can manage the Namaste restaurant smoothly by applying his skills and knowledge, because they have knowledge, skills experiences and ideas in dealings with such issue.

2. Providing training to the staff to deal with customer and training them proper way of communication while providing service with quality product.

3. If there is delay of the service customer find it unsatisfactory and if there is low quality of food productivity process customer can’t be happy with it so in order to satisfy one must have to provide quick service with quality product so energetic staffs and high calibre kitchen hardware and equipment is necessary to avoid late service and low quality product

4. Recruiting more qualified, skilful and trained staff in all the department of the restaurant so there could be no deficit in skilful staffs in terms of performing task

5. Lights and comfortable chairs table with spongy plays important role to make relaxing and tranquil atmosphere which drags the attention of customer as well as make them sit for long hour which mean more hours they spent more item or product is in sale.

6. Staffs feel discouragement and demotivation if their salaries an wages are not paid in time and they do negligence in their work which is harmful for business so to avoid such circumstances staffs must be paid in time with some bonus and reward as per their quality work.

7. People are so much cautious about their health and safety it is essential to make them feel secure while they are in restaurant premises so they can enjoy the time with no fear of any accident and fatalities so rigorous implementation of health and safety measure is another factor that influence business.

8. Expanding the publicity of the restaurant makes more awareness to the customer and more publicity draws the attention of the public and next day they becomes as customer. By the means of electronic media, paper media, internet and social networking site can publicise the business and its facilities or service in enormous way so in return market penetrating becomes successful.

9. There is so much competition of hospitality business in London and for the increment of sales good tariffs, schemes and discounts are necessary; this kinds of provision makes customer reasonable to expenses their money and attracts them, cause in the society same kind of earning capacity peoples are hardly found so if there’s discounts to the students and tariffs to older people and other attracting schemes are available, then customer tempts to visit again and again which increase sales.



