

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

DID Li’l Master Teriya Magar Interview

Teriya Magar, DID Little Master 2014 winner has visited Kathmandu few month ago. Large number of people gathered in Tribhuvan International Airport to welcome Teriya Magar.
She said, she was very happy to come back to her home country Nepal after month. I love mine Nepal and Nepalese fans. She was coming carrying her KB3 cup along with her mum and dance teacher. Nowadays she is very busy attending welcome ceremony in different apart of Nepal.

DID Li’l Master is very famous talent show broadcasted on Zee TV , India. Teriya Magar has successfully able to win this title. She has defeated around 40,000 contestants from entire India. Here is interview of Teriya Magar. Watch below video for more information.



