

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mahabir Pun receives 2014 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award

Mahabir Pun, was the Magsaysay Award winner of Nepalese social worker, who has received the “2014 Jonathan B. Postal Service Award” too.
Mahabir has been working to make internet facilities available in the remote village of Nepal, received the global prestigious award amid a program in Canada on Wednesday. The internet society said, Pun was awarded identifying his role to uplift internet to Nepal and extending technical literacy and education access for the remote areas.

The internet society has presented the award, including US$20,000 allowance and a crystal engraved globe. During the 90th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETE) which was held in Toronto, Canada on 20 to 25 July, 2014. Pun, was nominated by an International Award Committee comprised of the former Postal Award winners. Mahabir Pun has made a wonderful contribution to Nepal with profound insinuations for the people of remote village areas said, Kathy Brown (President and Chief Executive Officer of the Society). 

The Postal Award was established by the Society to honour individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the data communication community.



